domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

That must have been a Great Day!

Hey There!

well, as you know this would be my second chance to keep writing on my blog =) but first, think that I need to do a couple of changes so this will proves to my a little more interesting and productive =)

first for all, I want to try from now on write all my posts on English and then of that some in French (when I already can, obviously) just for practice I guess and of course ‘coz it’s obviously colder write and speak in another language that is not yours xD so all my readers (yeah.. if someone read this) must have to adapted to my new style D: but the topics will remain the same once, you now... political stuff, big enterprises, constructive criticism, occasional posts of my life (you will not escape for that xD) that kind of things =)

Ok, now let the introduction of side and move on to today’s topic.

Thanks for reading “whoever you are” and don’t forget leave a comment please =)



ok... here’s a YouTube video that one of my best friends bring to me, it’s something about a performance of one of a music band that play in the “dia de la canción” (day of the Song [wtf? xD]) which is celebrated on the High school called “La salle” on Léon, Gto. city.

Maybe we cannot talk too much about the interpretation of this “Panteon Rococo’s Cover” ‘cos the sound isn’t so good (it’s a cell phone recording) but we can see that the environment and how the public react it’s just unbelievable and amazing! ‘cos we’re talk about high school students and that this was a Music Contest so it’s too weird that these pubescent reacting like that.

I’m feel touched by this =) because if you people knew how is the “mood” of this School.. seriously... you would not believe :-o and I feel glad to know that “the times are really changing” on my country... that the young people are changing your musical tastes (if you did not know, the Mexico´s music is pretty bad =S well just a few genres like “duranguense, narco corrido, batacha... that kind of shits ¬¬) so... I really feel good that at least all those people who danced, sang and shouted in that Stage are remote from that shit.

that’s why I think... That must have been a Great day! =D

P.S: wait for new background and stuff =)

see you later...


2 comentarios:

  1. Despues de esto, no todo esta perdido xDD dah.. vamos las generaciones cada dia estan peor incluyendo la mia <.<

  2. es dia de la cancion o.o.. es el festival de la cancion. wuah.. no me escuchas cuando digo las cosas.. T_______T
